B.O.M INC Provides Research and Testimony to Support Re-Establishment of Indianapolis Commission

There are over 120,126 Black males in the city of Indianapolis according to the most recent census data estimates—larger than the city of Evansville.

After years of community agitation and advocacy Black Onyx Management, Inc. engaged the leadership of the city county council in a discussion on the re-establishment of the Indianapolis Commission on African American Males. The original commission actually started in the 1990’s by Mayor Stephen Goldsmith was launched before the Indiana Commission on the Social Status of Black Males.

Major projects of the commission had included identifying resources to support organizations like the 100 Black Men of Indianapolis and the Fathers and Family Center. Additionally, the commission had partnered with area non-profits and Citizens Energy Group to help returning citizens obtain employment with the city and the local energy company.

At a time when the city had experience the criminal homicides of over 100 Black males twice inside of 5 years Black Onyx Management knew that if it was going to live up to its corporate mission of “empowering Black and marginalized communities” it needed to do something.

Trained as a stratification economist, Black Onyx Management President and CEO, Marshawn Wolley pulled data together that demonstrated the need for the re-establishment of ICAAM. Majority Leader Maggie Lewis authored proposal 199 which was presented to the Rules and Public Policy Committee chaired by Council President Vop Osili, both advocates for the proposal.

Black Onyx Management supported the ordinance development process by providing data and input on the draft as well as testimony during the Rules and Public Policy committee hearing

The proposal became an ordinance passing with unanimous consent at the August 10th , 2020 meeting of the Indianapolis Marion County City County Council. There are times when corporations just need to do the right thing.

Community First means “(w)e continuously listen to and advocate for marginalized communities in our business dealings. We leverage the power of a corporation to support Black and marginalized communities.” Our client was the community—this is Black Onyx in action.

View Rules and Public Policy Committe Data Here

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